the best light show i ever saw was one drunky night at powder king 2 years ago, dione and noel and morgs and i were hitching rides on the snow cat with alex and drinking in the chalet our last run we decided to hike the summit and some drunker old guy managed to convince us he was capable of doing the run with us that part sucked because he hiked slow and rode slow forcing someone to wait and baby sit the whole time. but me and dee dee managed to make summit first it was super clear billions of stars bright full moon and calm and about 15-20 below(thats why the babysitter for drunky) when we topped out the lights were doing a perfect vortex right over the mountain top with all the colours green mostly but red and blue and purple shimmers through it all as well. we sat on the lee side of the weather shack at the summit and rolled it up then laid out in the snow side by side and watched the show while we waited cuddled a bit laughed and had a great show when we dropped of the peak and down to the chair we got to ride alex's pristine grooming at warp speed all the way back down it was so well lit by the moon.when you get to see them for the first time id like it to be like that. not hammered or at p.k. neccesarily but magic like that the skys gift to me and you. i have some pics from that night you will laugh as i have a shitler mustache and funny girls fluffy hat and have been reping the powder king salute of white powder and drinking heavily for a while me and dijion had to tripod to make it up the summit powder fieldwe turned a hundred yard patch of fresh pow into scrambled eggs as well at one stop when noel was still with us. resting on the slope and burning one noel decided it would be funny to to try and tackle deedee but he telegraphed his intent and d turned it into a judo toss out into space on a 45 degree slope it doesnt ake much of a launch to send you a ways down slope and when grassy knoel had floundered back up we took turns tossing each other out into the powder field below. im sure hikers the next day got a laugh out of it because it was pretty obvious what happened.White powder... sure its in bad taste, in a couple ways even but you can yell it anywhere at that hill and get a reply. anywhere the restuarant even but pub rentals tickets guaranteed a white powder back. new years one year we were going hard and the waitress for our table threatened to cut us off if we didnt stop as there were a couple black guys at one table. we got up and sat at their table introduced ourselves and waited sure enough someone came in and yelled and we replied the guys we were sitting with laughed so hard next time it happened they stood and yelled black powder and that was their rep for the rest of the night next day we hooked up with themand showed them the good stuff out of bounds and in bounds. out atpk just means the ski patrol wont find you they wont pull passes or anything and the whole mountain is safe so it pays to ride with locals like us
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