Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Step out for a smoke. There’s an old guy outside smoking on the motel porch next door and I ask him if he’s here hunting. it’s a no brainer as he’s head to toe camo and he says “ya, a bit“.

The night air out here in the mountains is a crisp glass of water for the lungs and every diamond star has carved its own perfect hole in the night sky.
I ask him if hes got anything yet and he grins and shakes his, “hell no” with a chuckle “sure been nice though”
That’s a style right there. we laugh and small talk about the grandness of it all for a bit over a smoke and a beer then turn he turns and retires as I finish my butt. “Take care” is all he says as he leaves.

When I climb I climb for the top but ill be dammed if I’m going to let not getting there ruin my day. To try again is sublime. Another kick at a spectacular can that many never even consider to dream of.
It’s the same when I ride, anyone who’s ever walked by a skate park has seen the kid there flipping out and throwing his skate or bike and yelling obscenities because he didn’t land the trick. That’s not me, not ever. Win lose or draw ridings riding just like climbing or making out with a girl. Its all good.

Which brings us to style again. This style in particular. It’s not an easy one to master and its not for everyone, to be able to see thru this moments bullshit and keep a cool head. To appreciate. Truly, the beauty , the lesson, the magic behind every moment. So your down to your last 3 bucks with your head behind a dumpster high as fuck on crack and life sucks. What did you learn? That sucks don’t do it dummy! You just learned a lesson and if your smart you’ll be proud and move on and learn more lessons.

Then, when summit day turns into a tent climbing session you may just learn to make a truly excellent soupy pasta casserole with shredded beef jerky. File that one for later you just learned something new.
Super 8 motel desk girls are a notoriously soft touch if you really need a blanket tonight on the side of the road. But not always so keep that one when you get it.
And for gods sake now that you know you may need a blanket go buy yourself a good sleeping bag as soon as you can afford one. That’s part of the style, a little investment and or preparation go a long way.

Buy a pocket knife, it’s a million tools in one. And when the import beer you bought to impress the girl turns out to not twist off? Learn to pop it with your pocket knife.

Do you know what the big dipper looks like? The two stars that make up the side furthest from the handle point almost directly at the north star about 3 fists away from the top of the dipper. Presto your able to orient at night anywhere in the world.

Sometimes things may really seem to suck. I know I’ve been guilty of it, grumpy bitter mean and spiteful when things aren’t going exactly right. That’s where if you’ve been paying attention you will knuckle yourself on the head and remember the style. Fix what you can, accept what you can’t apologize to whoever you may have pissed off. Move on and learn or be doomed to repeat.

Ask directions. And don’t be shy about it. Even if you don’t think you need them you it cant hurt to check against what you think you know. Plus you just met someone.
Share. Food and drink. Money, your bed your life. No more than you can spare and don’t be shy about saying no. But if you can spare a dime do it. Sometimes it comes back and let me tell you it feels really good when it does. When a dude chases you down in the ferry terminal, gives you a twenty and says “this is for the fiver you gave me 3 years ago. Thanks man.”


Wear it with pride

Learn to cook, everywhere and everything.

Chicks dig it.

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